- In Designs IP Gateway Patents Trade Marks
- 26 June 2020
Australian Patent Data – 2019/2020
As we move deeper into the 21st century, innovation and technological development continues to profoundly affect life in Australia. At times we can look back – sometimes only a few years – and wonder how we functioned before a particular technology became part of our daily lives.
Many major breakthroughs, such as the electronic pacemaker, ‘black box’ flight recording, and even the Wi-Fi technology many of us will be using to read this article, originated from Australian research and development. Furthermore, technology from all over the world has and continues to be protected and commercialised Down Under.
Given the rate at which innovation is occurring, it can be exciting to imagine what might be just around the corner. What technology might we struggle to imagine life without in five or ten years’ time? Although we may be yet to perfect crystal ball technology, newly filed applications for protection of intellectual property can go some way to answering these questions. Recently, the Australian intellectual property office, IP Australia, released its Intellectual Property Report for the 2019-2020 financial year, available at https://www.ipaustralia.gov.au/ip-report-2020.
As part of the Australian 2019-2020 IP Report, detailed patent statistics have been provided, including in relation to number of patent filings, leading patent applicants, and most common countries of origin for applications originating overseas (see, https://www.ipaustralia.gov.au/ip-report-2020/patents). Additionally, a data visualisation tool has been developed – available at https://www.ipaustralia.gov.au/ip-report-2020/patents/data – which provides insight into applications filed in particular technology areas, and how filing patterns have changed over time.
In addition to satisfying curiosity about future technology, resources and tools such as the above can be very helpful to guide R&D and commercialisation for those actively engaging in innovation. Perhaps you have a concept or prototype that could form an important part of the future world. If so, IPG is here to help you make this a reality.