- In IP Gateway Patents Trade Marks
- 29 April 2020
IP Gateway was founded in Springwood 15 years ago due its proximity to the Brisbane Technology Park and the industrial and business precincts lining the Gateway Motorway.
Since then Springwood has grown steadily but as a result of recent Queensland and local Government initiatives development of the Springwood area is about to be supercharged. Springwood is now well on its way to becoming a new breed of “Smart City”.
Following a recent Springwood Summit, developers are putting forth applications to start redesigning and upgrading the commercial precinct. There are also plans for 30-40 storey buildings to be built in the central business area and council town planning permits have been issued for construction to commence. The following sketch is an artist’s impression of the new look Springwood.
The vison for Springwood is a place where everything needed to support the new development from cafes, supermarkets and restaurants to commercial offices and hotels is included in one area.
With the building of a new “Smart City”, comes new businesses and with these new businesses comes new ideas, new concepts and new innovations. One key concept that is very important to the people of the Springwood area is connectivity. They want to connect not just with each other but also with local business and adjoining suburbs. Initiatives to help this become reality are:
- Environmentally friendly and sustainable public transport;
- Landscaped green spaces;
- Cultural centres and community facilities.
- Interconnectivity through high speed broadband and wireless connectivity.
The city of Springwood will merge the world of technology and the environment to create a living and working space that will not only be environmentally friendly and sustainable but provide state of the art infrastructure
Some of the consultants who have worked on the urban planning for Portland Oregon in the USA have been involved in planning the new city in Springwood. This is summarized by local government leaders below:
“This is a new way of thinking, it’s not waiting for developers to turn up and build the CBD of the future; it’s about providing the right conditions for its creation. This approach of community-driven partnerships – with residents, other levels of government, and the private sector – has worked exceptionally well in Portland Oregon USA, and the results speak for themselves. Portland has been transformed from a waning economy and neglected neighbourhoods to an eco-friendly city, with coffee shops, microbreweries and a thriving IT sector”.
IP Gateway as the premier Patent and Trade Mark firm in Springwood, is excited about the new Smart City proposals for Springwood. IP Gateway is well equipped to service the IP needs of the business and technology communities in Springwood.
This article is drawn from an article appearing in the Sunday Mail (Qld) newspaper on 20 November 20 2016 by Michael Madigan entitled “Springwood marked to become new high-tech smart city”. This article contains excerpts and images taken from this article.